Pastor, author,
speaker, teacher


Available 4.12.22

Download an excerpt here.


What They’re Saying


"Furr's candor and conviction will challenge your assumptions, test the story you tell yourself, and galvanize you to live with more attention and intention. He reminds us that faith calls us to do the difficult but necessary work of confronting privilege both in the world and in the mirror."

— JOHN PAVLOVITZ, author of If God Is Love, Don't Be a Jerk

"This graceful book offers a wise pastoral path toward the intentional deconstruction of straight, white, maleness, understood by Furr as a social construction that delivers privilege to some and harm to all and as funda-mentally contrary to the gospel proclaimed and embodied by Jesus Christ."

— DAVID P. GUSHEE, Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics, Mercer University

“From the start, Straight White Male gets right to the heart of the problems we face when we elevate patriarchal structures. His use of scripture and stories made his deconstruction (and reconstruction) personal and empowering.”

— BRIAN ANDERSON, co-founder and executive director, Fathering Together